Monday, October 27, 2008

I don't care for air.

Without further ado, this is the first entry of my blog. I will use this blog to share details about my life in the retail industry, and my daily meanderings on the job.

Last night, while at a bar and wearing a lovely dress, I noticed that the room temperature went from "comfortable" and "almost warm enough!" to "balls-out-cold." In October, particularly in New England, I would never dream of being in an air conditioned room, arctic air blasting forth from the metal ceiling vents. But, so be it. I froze in my dress, which I expected to withstand October's relatively mild tempteratures with a coat over it out of doors, and pantyhose beneath indoors. No, no. The club owner apparently thought "meat locker" would be the best temperature for his venue.


Going out on a limb, here: To me, AC gives me the same experience as standing in a room full of smokers as the sole non-smoker. Perhaps most of the large, padded people able to guzzle booze and breathe fire will remain temperately relaxed. I am by no means scrawny, but I am proud that I don't have this extra American padding like many of my young and already bursting-at-the-seams peers. If your large tank of an ass is so warm in a room at seventy degrees, while you are merely drinking beverages and conversating on a cool, autumn day, perhaps you should get your blood pressure checked. In the mean time, keep the AC OFF unless it's boiling outside. We'll save electricity, fossil fuels, and, most importantly, my ass from falling off like an icicle from a frozen tree trunk.

To my dismay, and, as usual, my workplace today also feels like a Siberian wonderland. My store is located in a large, state-run facility. One would think that air conditioning in autumn would waste energy that, oh, you know, taxpayers are paying for. Nonetheless, sitting at my desk is much like sitting atop a windy hillside in January. I prepare, I bring sweaters, wear layers, properly attire my feetsies with socks, yet the air keeps a-blowin.' Give it a rest!

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